I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t read as much during the quarantine as I should’ve, but I did get back into manga so that’s a win. By the way if you want to check out my manga or anime ratings you can do that here. Now here’s the list of books and manga I read during the quarantine.

Conversations with Friends– I love this book. After watching Normal People I entered into the world of Sally Rooney and she can write. I absolutely loved this book and the complicated character dynamics it brings. While Frances is the POV character we are still able to see how each character relates to each other even outside of her. It’s a true character study that somehow is able to get you to sympathize with characters as they repeat the same mistakes. That’s crazy. There’s a tangibility to her writing that is completely irresistible. Please read this book, just don’t expect the ending to wrap everything up in a pretty bow.

Normal People– It was really fascinating reading the book after watching the show. Connell is such an overwhelming presence on the show that it almost feels like his story. Marianne’s story is so internal it’s hard to tell on tv, but in the book I found her all the more fascinating. In general the show and the book follow each other closely, but the book’s ending is way better. Sally Rooney is 2 for 2.

A Tale of Two Cities– Yeah I read this book, I’m classy as fuck. I’m not gonna pretend I was enraptured with the prose, but I did find the social commentary shockingly relevant. Also I love love triangles and this book has one of the earliest versions.

Harry Potter (series)– Every year I reread the series and every year I bring back those feelings. Look I also wish JK Rowling would stop saying dumb shit, but I wouldn’t be me without these books and they’re my happy place.

Luster– This book has kind of a low key wild plot, but it doesn’t matter because we’re all here for the character story. Going into the world of a young, black woman in New York is completely unfamiliar to me, but that added another layer of interest for me. I would definitely suggest this book, especially if you’re looking for something a little different.

Domestic Girlfriend– I hadn’t read any manga for like 10 years before this one and my god did I pick one. I’ve written about this before, but I’ll add some stuff here. This is definitely a cultured manga and not one for the children. I absolutely love this manga and I’m currently rereading it, so I’m pretty convinced of myself. Just a fair warning before you read it, it is pretty long and the ending is just not it.

Bloom Into You– Another manga I read because the show didn’t finish the story and I’m damn glad I did. The anime covers the first half of the story, but to get to the conclusion you must read the manga and it’s worth it. The only nitpick I have is that I didn’t love the last chapter.

Kase-san and Morning Glories

Yamada and Kase-san 

The first series follows the two girls in high school, while the second takes them into college. This is a very sweet and wholesome story, but don’t let that trick you into thinking these two aren’t horny for each other. They very much are and it adds a realism to the story and makes their relationship more believable.

Scum’s Wish– I wrote an article about this show and was curious as to whether the manga would tell a fuller, more complete story. It really didn’t. It’s basically the same story and while it’s good it still has its holes. Just read my article for my full thoughts.

The Quintessential Quintuplets– I about my love for this story before, but to reiterate, I LOVE THE QUINTESSENTIAL QUINTUPLETS!!! While Futaro is the main character, and by far my favorite harem protagonist, this is a story about the quintuplets. Read this manga dammit, I swear it’s worth it.

Your Lie In April– This my 3rd favorite anime and the manga was great as well. While you don’t get to hear the incredible music like you do in the show, the story is every bit as good and there are a few extra scenes sprinkled in just to give you some more time with some of the most fully realized characters in fiction. An absolute must for any manga fan.

Higehiro– There’s a version of this story that is incredibly problematic, but at least so far, it’s been a sweet story. I’ve only read the first 27 chapters, but I’m definitely going to finish the manga when it wraps up.

The Promised Neverland– After hearing that the 2nd season of the anime was a massive disappointment I checked out the manga because I heard it was great. Here comes a hot take. After the Gracefield Arc the manga is pretty bad. The pacing and story are all over the place. Also the characters don’t have any on page development and besides Norman no development at all. I really didn’t like it after Gracefield and sight unseen, I’m giving the show a pass. Also, the ending is pretty incoherent and bad.

Sex Ed 120%– I’ve only read 3 chapters, but I can confidently say this manga is just about actual sex Ed, which is pretty cool.

After Hours– I’ve only read the first 7 chapters so far, but I’m really enjoying this one. It’s cool to see a character being put into a new world and to see how she adjusts. Look forward to finishing.

Soul Eater– The anime of this is derided for having a bad ending, which veers from the manga and after reading it I must agree. The story really builds up to a proper crescendo and that makes it so much more satisfying. Every character gets a proper completion to their arc which is incredibly satisfying. Check this one out for a very complete shounen, action story.

Love, Be Loved, Leave, Be Left– This is basically your bog standard shojo manga. Just four high schoolers trying to understand their feelings about each other, while also worrying about how others feel about them. It’s completely fine.

If I Could Reach You– Actually a pretty compelling story about longing and unrequited love. While Uta is the main character of the story, there is also plenty of time to fill out the cast with fully realized supporting characters that get their own stories. This is a very well written manga that I would certainly recommend.

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