When I say the JR Smith play I bet I know what immediately comes to your mind, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I will however say that I believe our hero JR doesn’t get enough credit for snagging that board. ‘Twas George Hill that gagged the free throw. JR was just being a good teammate and taking all the attention away from his buddy. They weren’t winning that series anyway. I digress. The play I’m talking about isn’t remembered for our guy. No it was someone else that stole the shine from our soup tossing enthusiast. I’m talking about this play.

That’s right, what you philistines consider the LeBlock, I see for the selfless contributions of a true American hero. I will start by saying yes, the block was impressive, but without our intrepid hero giving his body and soul to the cause the play would just have ended in a fast break dunk for Andre Iguadola. Iguadola choked by the way, how about you go through the defender and don’t fear shooting some free throws. Finals MVP. Should’ve gone to Curry.

Anyway back to the point. After another putrid Cleveland possession, looking at you “King” James, the Warriors break out in a 2 on 1 fast break. Curry and Iguadola vs JR Smith. JR was not to be intimidated. He stood up Steph and forced him to throw a bounce pass to Iguadola. Then, with the agility of Hermes, JR closed down Iguadola forcing him to double clutch and go up with a weak, puny, pathetic layup attempt. Then Lebron appears out of nowhere and blocks it. Yes I give Lebron credit. He did the easy part. He swatted a weak, sad little layup. But I ask you, could Lebron have made that block without JR? The answer, NO! 

I will not listen to anymore of this Lebron-washing of history. He doesn’t y’all carrying his water. He’s Lebron James. Respect JR Smith. He made the play. Without him none of it would’ve been possible. JR ain’t a knucklehead, he’s the selfless teammate of your dreams. He’s willing to sacrifice and do the dirty work no one else is. Do you think Lebron would’ve held up the play for JR to make the block? HELL NO! Ipso facto, the JR Smith play. Respect.

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