Father time comes for us all. (Except perhaps Tom Brady, what’s up with that?) I play a lot of Madden. Two seemingly unconnected things right? If only.

I don’t know about you guys, but my favorite mode on Madden is franchise mode. For years my focus in every draft was to take the young guys, I never drafted anyone over 23. I’d see a 24 year old and be disgusted. I mean, they were born in the 80’s! Then one day, about five years ago, I drafted 27 year old Demario Davis. Guys that was the day I knew I was old. 

You may think that’s an overreaction, but it’s only become more obvious from there. I would take a 25 year old here and a 28 year old there. Then one day it happened. In franchise mode draft, I Seth Balser, picked a 31 year old. The horror!

I’m done, I’m finished. Send me my AARP card. Sign me up for social security. I’ve got some thoughts on NCIS. That young Sheldon sure is a hoot. Get off my lawn! I threw my back out getting off the toilet one time and I’ve still never felt older than drafting a 31 year old on Madden. Now I just take my fellow olds all the time. It’s even reached me on FIFA career mode. I tell you this to warn you. If it hasn’t happened to you yet don’t let it. If it has I feel your pain. Wanna check out the new Clint Eastwood movie sometime.

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