Dexterity is defined as readiness and grace in physical activity, especially skill and ease in using the hands manual dexterity and mental skill or quickness. That’s what I see when I’m watching Kyrie Irving, that man dexterous as hell. Watching that man dribble is like seeing cirque du soleil on hardwood. 

Like all artists Irving is always operating on that line between genius and insanity. It always appears as if catastrophe will strike as he spins, slices, and cuts his way to rim. At this point you think you’ve seen it all, there’s no way it can get better? Hah, you fool, he’s only getting started. 

The rim is where the Picasso of the layup really starts grooving. Left hand, right hand, back spin, side spin, this BAMF has it all. Think you’ve got him trapped, wrong! He’s on the floor he can’t possibly do anything now? Sucker! This man knows no limits. He’s so slippery you can’t even foul him. He has the ability to twist his body in three directions, while still maintaining total control of the ball in either hand.

So I ask you, how can a 6’2” point guard that never dunks continue to dominate at the rim? If you’ve been reading this you know why. Kyrie Irving dexterous as hell.

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