I Was Feeling Like Shit… Then I Got Rained On

A couple years ago I decided to start walking every day. That may not sound like a big deal, but going outside every day was a big deal. Also I’d gotten wild fat and really needed the exercise. I say this so you’ll understand why I went for a walk knowing it was possible the skies were going to poor down their wrath upon me. Anyways like a lot of people I’ve been feeling real down the past few months and my daily walk is one of the few things I can count on to cheer me up. This day my mood wasn’t improving and then halfway through my walk it happened; rain.

Now at this point you might be thinking this would break me. I mean already feeling like shit and then rain! I mean what the hell! But what actually happened surprised me. Instead of crumbling I felt revived. Imagine Andy after escaping Shawshank and that was me. Instead of the rain being a final insult it shocked me out of the doldrums of my own psyche. As everyone around cowered from the torrential downpour, I soaked it in (haha pun) and continued my walk home. After 3 miles in the rain I felt refreshed, renewed, reborn. Baptists I finally get it, I don’t want it, but I get it.

So why tell this story? I’m not sure. By the next day I was right back in the same headspace as the day before. So does that make this story pointless? I don’t think so. Honestly those 3 miles in the rain made me feel better than I had in months. Just take the good wherever you can because it rains doesn’t mean the pouring has to suck.

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